Our history

The history of the administration of lottery 3 Sabadell, part of the history of our city since 1969, we deliver the full Jackpot Sweepstakes a very special Christmas.

In those years, Sabadell was a fervent industrial city in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and had lived a few years before a natural disaster is unprecedented. The river Ripoll, which fed the textile industry of the city, suffered a spate amazing and destroyed many houses and factories that had been built around it. In addition, hundreds of people lost their lives in these terrible circumstances.

For this reason, when the morning of December 22, 1969, the children of San Ildefonso sang a number of the Fat, the joy overflowed the city.

The number had been sold in units of lottery Peña Arlequinada of the local football. Thousands of people had a ballot, so that thousands of people were graced with a great christmas gift.

Since then, the Administration of the Lottery # 3 was the great reference of the city and in the years that followed, the Goddess fortune has not ceased to visit us and spread joy to our clients Sabadell.

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